What Kind of Experience Will Your Child Gain From Attending a Private School?

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According to The Advocates for Self-Government, one in 10 children attends a private school. This statistic shows that private school is getting more popular among families, and this is because more parents are becoming aware of the benefits of private schools. If you are considering private school for your kids, here are some benefits you may want to know about.

Smaller Class Sizes

According to Bruce Biddler and David Berliner, smaller class sizes lead to better-performing students. This is one of the benefits of a private school for children. When the school has small class sizes, teachers can attend to students’ individual needs and help them where they are struggling. As such, no student gets left behind. The gains from small class sizes get stronger the longer a student is exposed to them. Teachers can keep focusing on helping students in their weak areas and advancing their strengths. A smaller class also allows students to ask for help whenever needed.

Safer Learning Environment

One of the reasons why parents love sending their kids to private school is that the environment is safer. Private schools put a lot of emphasis on personal responsibility and ethics. Because there is a lower staff-to-student ratio, staff members can better observe and intervene in case of conflict. This creates a huge difference in the school environment. According to the Fraser Institute, 72% of parents who had children in private schools agreed with the statement that their children were in a safe environment. This greatly improves a child’s educational experience and their ability to excel.

Better Parental Involvement

Private schools greatly encourage communication between the administration and parents. They make it a point to involve kids’ parents in the school community. From frequent parent-teacher conferences to social events like parent breakfasts, many events and interactions make parents an integral part of their children’s education. This also goes a long way in strengthening parent-child relationships. This means parents can keep track of how their children are performing, and they will also know where they need help. This is improved by parents having good relationships with their kids’ teachers as well.

These are some ways children benefit from private schools. Are you looking for a private school for your child? Get in touch with Imago Dei Middle School today to get started!