School Christmas Party 2019

In News by Imago Dei School

Individually selected gifts for 72 students, warm jackets and hats, gifts for siblings and families, tons of cookies, incredible excitement, and, of course, a visit from Santa – the Imago Dei Christmas Party did not disappoint.

A highlight of the event was a stellar performance by Tapestry, the school singing group directed by our amazing music teacher, Sheldon Curry, featuring a surprise rendition of Elvis’ Blue Christmas by an astoundingly talented 7th-grader. Wow!

Heartfelt thank yous to all the generous folks who worked so hard to make so many Tucson families’ Christmases brighter: Intuit employees, Santa’s Helpers, Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation, and the Outreach Committee of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. Happy holidays to all!